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Upon first contacting our office, you will be asked your name, contact information, and a brief explanation of what prompted you to contact our office. During this initial call we will discuss session fees and you will then be give a choice of dates and times to book your first appointment. You will also be asked to complete an intake packet prior to your appointment.
Therapy is a team effort and a collaborative process. We encourage you to take an active part in the session, so you find the counseling experience valuable. To make your first session as successful as possible, we suggest:
In the first session, you and your therapist will get to know one another and the therapist typically will ask certain questions about you and your life. This information helps her make an initial assessment of your situation. Questions she might ask includes:
Why did you seek therapy? - The therapist has to understand your problem(s) before she can get to the deeper issues.
What is your personal history and current situation? - The therapist will ask questions about your life (for example, because family situations play an important role in who you are), she will ask about your history and current family situation.
What are your current symptoms? - Other than knowing the reason you sought therapy, the therapist will attempt to find out if you are suffering from other symptoms of your problem.
Be open - Therapists are trained to ask the right questions, but they are not mind readers. The therapist can do her job more effectively if you answer the questions openly and honestly.
Be Prepared - Before you get to the session, know how to describe "what's wrong," and to describe your feelings about your problem. One way to prepare is to write down the reasons you are seeking help.
Ask Questions - The more you understand the counseling experience or how counseling works, the more comfortable you will be.
Be Honest About Your Feelings - A lot will be going through your head in this first session. Listen to your own reactions and feelings, and share them with the therapist. You will both learn from these insights.
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